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Classified is simply printing and typesetting industry. its has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book. It has survived not only five centuries, but also the leap into electronic typesetting, remaining essentially unchanged. It was popularised in the 1960s with the release of Letraset sheets containing passages, and more recently with desktop publishing software like Aldus PageMaker including versions of.
Classified Advertisements: A Brief Overview
Classified advertisements are short, formatted announcements typically placed in print media (newspapers, magazines) or online platforms. They are used to promote products, services, or opportunities.
Key Characteristics:
* Short and concise: They are designed to be brief and to-the-point.
* Categorized: Classified ads are usually grouped by category (e.g., jobs, real estate, automobiles).
* Paid placement: Advertisers typically pay a fee to have their ad published.
Common Uses:
* Job postings: Employers advertise open positions.
* Real estate listings: Properties for sale or rent are promoted.
* Automotive sales: Used and new vehicles are offered.
* Personal items: Individuals sell personal belongings.
* Services: Businesses and individuals advertise their services.
Decline and Digital Transformation:
While traditionally popular in print media, classified advertising has seen a significant decline due to the rise of online platforms. Websites and apps dedicated to specific categories (e.g., Craigslist, eBay, LinkedIn) have become more efficient and accessible for both advertisers and consumers.
Would you like to know more about a specific type of classified advertisement or how to create an effective one?
Post FREE Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
Post FREE Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
The Most Advanced Web FREE Classifieds Ads SEO and Tools Ever.
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
Free Local Classified Ads in United States
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
We provide local classifieds for jobs, housing, for sale, services, local community, and even
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Hotels, Restaurants and bars HOTELS, RESTAURANTS and BARS: Hotels, Restaurants, Chalets, Lodging Accommodation, Bars, Snacks Place, Pepper Soup Place, Isi-Ewu Place, [More.. Livestock and Food LIVESTOCK and FOOD: Chicken, Cattle, Goat, Pig, Sheep, Ram, Dog, Pigeon, Turkey, Horse, Donkey, Cassava, Rice, Garri, Beans, Plantain, Stockfish, [More..
Classified Advertisements: US FREE ADS
A Brief Overview
Classified advertisements are short, formatted announcements typically placed in print media (newspapers, magazines) or online platforms. They are used to promote products, services, or opportunities.
Key Characteristics:
* Short and concise: They are designed to be brief and to-the-point.
* Categorized: Classified ads are usually grouped by category (e.g., jobs, real estate, automobiles).
* Paid placement: Advertisers typically pay a fee to have their ad published.
Common Uses:
* Job postings: Employers advertise open positions.
* Real estate listings: Properties for sale or rent are promoted.
* Automotive sales: Used and new vehicles are offered.
* Personal items: Individuals sell personal belongings.
* Services: Businesses and individuals advertise their services.
Decline and Digital Transformation:
While traditionally popular in print media, classified advertising has seen a significant decline due to the rise of online platforms. Websites and apps dedicated to specific categories (e.g., have become more efficient and accessible for both advertisers and consumers.
Would you like to know more about a specific type of classified advertisement or how to create an effective one?
The Origins of Classified Ads
Classified ads emerged with the rise of newspapers.
As newspapers gained popularity, they realized they could generate additional revenue by offering space for short, text-based advertisements. These ads were initially used to promote lost items, job openings, and personal notices.
Key Milestones in Classified Ads:
* 1704: The first classified ads are believed to have appeared in newspapers.
* 19th Century: Classified ads became a common feature in newspapers, expanding to include a wider range of categories.
* 20th Century: Classified sections grew in size and importance, becoming a significant revenue source for newspapers.
* Late 20th Century to Present: The internet revolutionized classified advertising with the emergence of online platforms like Craigslist, eBay, and specialized websites for jobs, real estate, and automobiles.
In essence, classified ads evolved from a simple way to share information within a community to a global marketplace accessible to millions.
Would you like to know more about the evolution of classified ads or their impact on the advertising industry?
Post Online FREE Classifieds Ads:
MOTOR MOTORS: Cars, Buses, Jeeps, Motorcycles, Trucks, Vans, Bicycles, Trailers, Tractors, Tyres, Bulldozers, Industrial Vehicles, [More.. Telephones TELEPHONES: Blackbery, Iphone, Samsung, Nokia, Sunny-Ericson, Grundig, Motorola, LG phone, HTC phone, Phone Batteries, Phone Chargers, Cables, Phone Cards, [More..
Post FREE Online Ads:
Computers COMPUTERS: Computers, Laptops, Software, Monitors, Printers, Components, Hard Drives, Memory, DVD/CD Drives, Tablets, Palm, Pocket PC, Macintosh, [More.. House Accomodation HOUSE ACCOMMODATION: Flats, Apartments, Warehouse, Duplexes, Halls, Auditorium, Garages, Arenas, Agents, [More..
Post FREE Online Classifieds Ads:
TV and Sounds TELEVISIONS AND SOUNDS: Televisions, DVD Players, Video Cameras, Play Stations, Cassettes, Foto Cameras, Projectors, MP3 Players, Speakers, Radios, Films, [More.. Fashion, Jewelry and Shoes FASHION, JEWRY and SHOES: Classic Fashion, Women Fashion, Men Fashion, Children & Babies, Watches, Jewry, Perfumes, Handbags, Women Shoes, Men Shoes, Children Shoes, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Employments/Jobs EMPLOYMENT/JOBS: Managerial, Officers, Secretarial, Legal, Banking and Finance, Engineering, Architecture, Lecturing, Information Technology, Medical, Journalism, Teaching, Arts, Sales Personnel, Political/Social Science, Contruction, [More.. Books and Training SCHOOLS, BOOKS and TRAINING: Schools, Books, Course, Training, Seminars, Workshops, Lectures, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Online Ads:
Household and Kitchen HOUSEHOLD and KITCHEN: Furniture, Beds, Curtains, Bedsheets, Fridges, Foam, Air-conditioner, Gas Cookers, Electric Cookers, Washing Machines, Fan, Kitchen Utensils, Microwaves, Stoves, Pressing Irons, Clock, Rug Carpet, Carpet, Tiles, [More.. Services SERVICES: Carpentry, Electrical, Barbing, Painting, Driving, Cleaning, Lawyer, Mechanics, Bricks Laying, Plumbing, Welding, Programming, Vulcanizing, Tailoring, Hairdressing, Fashion Design, Technician, Labourer, Security, [More..
Post FREE Classifieds Ads:
Social Events SOCIAL EVENTS: Announcement, Social Clubs, Meetings, Launchings, Birthdays, Festivals, Dancers, Weddings, Traditional Marriages, Ceremonies, [More.. games and Sports GAMES and SPORTS: Football, Swimming, Boxing, Athletics, Camping, Biking, Computer Game, [More..
Post FREE Online Classifieds Ads:
Transport TRANSPORT: Transport-Bus, Transport-Car, Flight, Luxury Bus, Taxi, Motorcycle(Okada), Ferry, Charter, [More.. Properties PROPERTIES: Land, Houses, Machinery, Company, Shares, Bonds, Jewellery, Live Stocks, [More..
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